Wealth File #7 - Associate with Positive Successful People: Public Feedback Review

According to Eker's book: Rich people "associate with positive, successful people."
Also according to Eker's book: Poor people "associate with negative or unsuccessful people."

Public Perspective Overview on Eker's Wealth File #7 – "Associate with Positive, Successful People"

T. Harv Eker's seventh wealth file underscores the profound influence of one's social circle on personal success, aspirations, and mental wellbeing.

For many in the public, this isn't a novel revelation, but Eker's approach provides a candid wake-up call about actively choosing one's associations.

Drawing from the age-old adage that "you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with," Eker's principle resonates with the inherent human understanding of the power of environment and influence.

The general consensus is that humans are inherently social creatures, influenced and molded by their environments.

Eker's call to associate with positive and successful individuals is seen by many as an invitation to curate a personal environment that is conducive to growth and success.

It's about more than just wealth or financial success; it's about nurturing a mindset of possibility, resilience, and ambition.

The public often understands that to elevate one's mindset, it's essential to be surrounded by individuals who inspire, challenge, and uplift.

Narratives in the public domain frequently echo the tangible impacts of such associations.

Many recount tales of transformation, of how breaking away from negative or unsupportive circles and immersing oneself in environments of positivity and ambition catalyzed personal and professional growth.

There's a general acknowledgment that, more often than not, it's the people around us that shape our beliefs about what's possible for us.

Moreover, Eker's message aligns with the sentiment that while it's essential to have a cheering squad, it's equally valuable to have individuals who constructively challenge and push us beyond our comfort zones.

Such interactions foster resilience, adaptability, and innovation, traits widely recognized as crucial for success.

In summation, T. Harv Eker's "Associate with Positive, Successful People" wealth file is a reflection of a broader societal understanding.

To many, it underscores the importance of proactively curating one's social and professional circles to align with personal aspirations and goals.

The idea is clear: to truly thrive, one must surround oneself with those who not only share but also elevate one's vision of success.

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Public Review & Commentary Report on Eker's Wealth File #7: "Associate with Positive, Successful People"

Eker's seventh wealth file introduces the idea of intentionally surrounding oneself with positive, successful individuals. 

The underpinning logic is that association with such people can have a transformative effect on one's mindset, behavior, and ultimately, success trajectory. 

As with the other wealth files, public responses to this principle are multifaceted, encompassing approval, critique, and contemplative dialogue.

Public Unpacking of this Wealth File:

Birds of a feather, right? 

Wealthy people enjoy sharing secrets of the millionaire mind as it creates an influential environment for rich ideas.

This is why you are encouraged to associate with positive successful people, because being surrounded by others with a wealth mindset inspires growth.

People who have attained success look at other successful people as a way of motivating themselves.

They consider them as models to learn from.

In "Wealth File #07," T. Harv Eker highlights the significance of the company one keeps in their journey towards wealth. 

He contrasts the social circles of the rich and the poor, emphasizing that rich people associate with positive successful people, while poor people often surround themselves with negative or unsuccessful ones.

Eker underscores the idea that associating with successful people serves as a source of inspiration and learning. 

Wealthy individuals view the success of others as a blueprint to follow, adopting the mindset of “If they can do it, I can do it.” 

This approach of modeling successful people is a fundamental learning strategy. 

Rich people understand that success leaves clues and that by emulating the strategies of those who have succeeded, they too can achieve similar results.

Conversely, Eker observes that poor people often criticize and resent the successful, potentially even attempting to bring them down to their level. 

He questions the logic behind this attitude, asking how one can expect to learn from or be inspired by someone they are trying to undermine.

Eker shares his personal approach of seeking out wealthy individuals, striving to befriend them, and learn from their experiences. 

He dismisses the notion that there is anything wrong with the deliberate desire to associate with positive successful people of which most happen to be rich, arguing that energy is contagious, and he prefers to be influenced by the positive energy of successful people.

Addressing the challenge of being in an environment where others are not supportive or are negative, Eker advises against trying to change them. 

Instead, he suggests focusing on personal growth and being a successful example which becoems easier to follow when you associate with positive successful people and spend time in their company. 

The idea is that one's own success and happiness might eventually inspire others to seek the same, and if you’d like to make this world a better place, it stands to reason that you would associate with positive successful people and become such a person yourself.

Eker also emphasizes the importance of staying true to one’s values, even in the face of negativity. 

He compares this to a test of character, suggesting that maintaining positivity in challenging environments can lead to faster and stronger personal growth.

In summary, Wealth File #07 from Eker’s perspective is about the importance of surrounding oneself with positive and successful individuals. 

This wealth file encourages readers to be selective about their social circles, understanding that the people they associate with can significantly influence their path to success and ultimately to rather associate with positive successful people for the sake of growth. 

It’s a call to seek inspiration from those who have achieved success and to be a source of positive energy, irrespective of the environment by choosing to associate with positive successful people.

Positive Feedback from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in praise of this Wealth File:

Mindset Transformation: 

A significant portion of the audience recognizes the power of association. 

They note the transformative effect that positive, ambitious, and forward-thinking peers can have on one's outlook and motivation.

Networking Opportunities: 

Proponents often highlight the networking aspect. 

Associating with successful individuals opens doors to opportunities, collaborations, and mentorships that might otherwise remain inaccessible.

Reduced Negativity: 

The public appreciates Eker's emphasis on distancing oneself from consistently negative or pessimistic influences, recognizing the detrimental impact they can have on personal growth and ambition

Areas of Contention from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in criticism of this Wealth File:

Feasibility Concerns: 

Detractors mention the difficulty in organically and genuinely associating with successful people, especially for those at the beginning of their success journey or in less privileged circumstances.

Potential for Superficial Relationships: 

There's a worry that the principle might encourage individuals to form relationships based purely on utility or status, rather than genuine connection or mutual respect.

Oversimplification of "Success": 

Critics voice concerns about the potential for this wealth file to promote a one-dimensional view of success, focusing primarily on financial or status markers, thereby ignoring other forms of success.

Nuanced Feedback from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in subtle consideration of this Wealth File:

Quality over Quantity: 

Some public discourse emphasizes the importance of depth in relationships. 

It's not merely about surrounding oneself with successful people but forging deep, meaningful connections with a few.

Diverse Definitions of Success: 

A nuanced conversation arises around the various interpretations of "success." 

While financial and professional success is evident, many highlight the importance of associating with people successful in personal growth, ethics, and societal contributions.

Potential for Echo Chambers: 

Some members of the public discuss the danger of surrounding oneself solely with like-minded individuals, warning against the potential for echo chambers that stifle growth, creativity, and critical thinking.

Conclusion from the Public

Eker's Wealth File #7 offers a compelling perspective on the profound impact of one's social circle on their journey to success. 

While many champion the principle for its potential to uplift and transform, it's evident that careful, genuine application is crucial. 

The principle has sparked multifaceted dialogues, encouraging individuals to deeply ponder the nature of success, the quality of relationships, and the balance between seeking positive associations and maintaining authenticity in one's connections.

Source: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker © 2003

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Frequently Asked Questions About Associating with Positive Successful People

Has your Mind ever wondered...

How do you associate with a successful person?

Identify a person or group of people you would like to emulate, or be like and find ways to join those circles either by invitation or introduction, so you can learn from their influences.

Why do people want to associate with successful people?

We become like the people we spend our time with, in essence, we absorb our environment and fit into where we find ourselves. 

If what you’re looking for is to achieve success, surround yourself with influences that offer what you seek. 

Humans learn from examples, through the observation of people & situations and the sharing of ideas. 

Which type of people become successful?

Those who live their lives with meaningful expression of passion and purpose, providing value and giving back to humanity in ways that are profound, who are unafraid of escaping the prison of their limitations or comfort zone, push boundaries, ask questions and innovate new ideas.  

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